Remember to check out this video on how to SET-UP YOUR PROFILE SHEET BEFORE THE GAME EVEN BEGINS! (you can always find this video in the INFORMATION PAGE at MAIN LINKS------->)
1.) Scriptural Readings: Break chapter 6-8 of Genesis into halves. Read one half per day. You must aim to have read them before we play on Wednesday.2.) Prayer: Keep a log of your prayer life. At least 10 minutes of prayer a day. This can include:
- Normal 'talking to God' prayer.
- The Rosary
- The Jesus Prayer
Remember to rate how focused you were during prayer. If it was good, it counts as a full 1, if it was so-so, give yourself a half, and if you were not focused at all, a 0.
3.) The Simulator Question: Watch Father Mike's video on What Does It Mean To Be Blessed?
QUESTION: You heard the father! What does it mean to be blessed?
What was main victories. Defeats?
5.) Going to Mass: If you received the Eucharist during Mass you have your soul fully restored. If you are prevented from receiving the Eucharist because of a mortal sin, well, then... get off your behind and go to confession!
6.) Have profile sheet, dice (two six-sided dice), pencil and eraser ready.
7.) Get some cool battle music to listen to (in the background) for next time. Movie soundtracks like Brave Heart, The Lord of the Rings, Inception etc. work really well.
The Church does not impose. The Church proposes. (we don't force our beliefs on others, but present it to them. God's Holy Spirit and that person's individual will should do the rest.)
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