Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Chapter 2: Game 4

First off: Subscribe to the mailing list (see the right side of this page, there is a place for you to enter an email address). If anything gets posted on this site, you will receive a copy of it almost instantaneously!

Secondly (NEW!): See the Daily Readings Links on the right. Each link will play your daily readings as an audio file! Super easy. Just make sure the RSS Feed will show you the correct day's reading, if not, go look on the USCCB's own website.

Thirdly: Profile sheets (and Max Damage Chart) are available as PDF, just look at the Profile Sheet link on the right.

The Work: 

Squires need to read at least SOME part of the Bible, every day. 
Squires need to pray at least ONCE a day, a prayer of at least a minute long.
Squires need to try their best to act righteous.
Squires may not skip Mass on the weekend, at all.

Sergeants need to read/listen to the suggested readings listed on this page, every day. 
Sergeants need to pray at least ONCE a day, at least three decades of the Rosary, or 7 minutes of some other prayer.
Sergeants need to watch the video of the week.
Sergeants need to try their best to act righteous.
Sergeants may not skip Mass on the weekend, at all.

Ridders need to read/listen to the suggested readings listed on this page, every day. 
Ridders need to pray at least ONCE a day, the full 5 decades of the Rosary, or ten minutes of some other prayer.
Ridders need to watch the video of the week.
Ridders need to try their best to act righteous.
Ridders may not skip Mass on the weekend, at all.

Extra note for beginner squires: Look at the links for Fruits of the Spirit and Gifts of the Spirit, on the right of this screen. Pick one from each list. These will be your 'super powers' during the game.

I will coach you more as time goes by.


Father Mark Goring's Challenge: JOIN THE MACCABEES!

Lastly: (Lopsided) video for the profile sheet is available, check Information Videos link on the right. Hopefully I can flip it soon.

Phil 2: 14-15
14 Do all things without grumbling or questioning, 15 that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world

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